Monday, July 2, 2018

January 28, 2018

Hello, everyone!
It's been a great week! I've been able to learn so much - what a privilege it is to serve a mission and have this opportunity! :D
So at the forefront of this week, we've received and started using our smartphones! It's crazy! We have so many extra tools to use now - extended pamphlets, lds tools, maps, etc! We're excited to be getting Facebook soon as well so we'll be able to reach people in that way too.
I've been able to learn a lot these past couple days of using technology. It's hard! I have so many bad habits from before my mission - including but not limited to, taking it out just to take it out, being on it too much, being distracted by it, etc - I am so grateful for this opportunity I have to relearn good, healthy phone habits. I will most definitely need to rely on the Lord and the missionaries around me for help, but I know that this will help me for the rest of my life. I am so grateful that the Lord has brought technology into the Idaho Boise Mission at this time.
We had exchanges this past Saturday, and we saw so many miracles!! Sister Snow stayed here in Twin and I went to Kimberly, and over here they found two new investigators and a couple referrals for other missionaries! What an amazing experience.
We also had stake conference, which was incredible. The spirit there was so strong, and there were so many of my questions that were answered during those two meetings. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father loves us so much that He will inspire other on what to say. I am grateful for the power of prayer - we literally get to communicate with the Father of our spirits. Isn't that amazing?
We've also seen miracles with love. As we've extended love, people have opened up so much. One example is of a girl in our ward named Harlie. We'd never met her before this past Monday, and she is an amazing, sweet person. On exchanges, they had a big dinner with her and some friends, and she is so excited about coming back to church. She's even going to bring her boyfriend with her - another member of the ward that we haven't been able to meet with for the past 3 months! What a miracle, and it was all brought about by love. Love is power.
Transfers are this Thursday! Sister Snow and I have literally no idea what will happen, so we may be in for a big surprise! We'll see!
Love you all!
Sister Carlson

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