Monday, July 2, 2018

March 26, 2018

Good morning, everyone!
This was a week full of learning experience! What a great opportunity to grow.
Sister Marshall had MLC this week, so I got to be with Hermana Nielson for the day! She was just a week out into the mission, so fun! That day, we had an appointment with our new investigator Emily. We had an appointment with her on Tuesday, but when we went she had a lot of things to do, so we ended up helping her with a sink full of dishes! It was a great time to get to know her better, and we were able to share a couple principles and set up a return appointment. The past two have fallen through, but we're hoping that the next one will work out!
On Saturday, we were able to go to Murtaugh and Hansen (very far part of our area) to find some people! It was fun to drive and explore that part of our area, and we did find a couple people home (but there are a lot of people who were already away on spring break - so fast!). It was good to meet with those people.
Sunday, we had ward conference. It was amazing to hear the ward and stake leaders in this area speak to the needs of the YSA 1st ward. We heard about the priesthood, missionary work, the Holy Ghost, and more! Needless to say, my notes were amazing :)
Please prepare for conference and Easter this upcoming weekend - we will all be spiritually filled. 
Have a great week everyone!
Sister Carlson

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