Hello, everyone!
This week has been crazy, crazy, crazy! It has been so fun and rewarding, a little sad, and all busy.
Sister Aquino left this week. It was really hard to say goodbye, but whenever I want to be sad about it, I can't because I'm so excited for her! She left on Thursday, the day of zone conference. When zone conference was winding down and the presidency and departing missionaries were baring their testimonies, both of us were crying. We hugged and cried and hugged and cried. But then her parents came, and it was all joy. We were able to see her two timed before she left Idaho, so it was really wonderful. I'm so thankful for the opportunity I had to work and serve with her.
So now I'm in a trio for the next two weeks (until transfers on the 28th)! I'm with Sister Holland and Sister Gainer who are working in Rupert. Now we're covering six wards, and boy is it a handful! Sunday was so full of bouncing back and forth, but it's been so fun! My ward mission leader in the Heyburn first ward is going to get splits arranged so we can get more work done, and I'm trying to work out splits with Heyburn second ward (because we currently don't have a ward mission leader - ah!) At first, I was so scared to be leading the area because I've only been working over here for a month, but it has been really good for me. I've gained a lot of confidence in the Lord and in myself, and I know that as I'm always striving to improve and get know new people in my area, I will be an effective missionary.
Speaking of being an effective missionary, zone conference was awesome!! It was such an uplifting experience, and I was able to learn and make goals for myself on how I need to improve. What a blessing it was to attend zone conference!
Also this week, we committed Isaac and Darlene to baptism! We were teaching the Plan of Salvation, and at the end of the lesson, there was an opportunity and a feeling. Isaac immediately committed, and Darlene was a little bit more hesitant. But they both committed to October 21st, and we're going to continue teaching them. They are such a wonderful family, and I can just see the potential and the plan the Heavenly Father has for them. What a blessing it is to work with them!
I just wanted to take the time to invite everyone to the Meridian Temple Open House. This is such a wonderful missionary opportunity - I like to call this the "golden ticket to missionary work". Everyone is curious about LDS temples. They're beautiful, and because they're scared, we don't talk openly about what happens in the temple. Open Houses provide an opportunity for every kind of person to experience the special spirit of the temple and to learn more about the temple from the correct source. The open house is happening from October 21 to November 11, and you can reserve a free tour at TempleOpenHouse.lds.org . I can promise you, as a special witness of Jesus Christ, that as you pray with real intent about who you can bring with you to the Meridian Temple Open House, Heavenly Father will answer you. Because this is His work, and He wants all to come unto Him and feel the peace and joy that this gospel brings us. I can also promise you that as you do this, you will be blessed, and the person you invite will be blessed beyond what you can ever imagine. Will you invite someone to attend the Meridian Temple Open House with you? I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Have a wonderful week! :)
Sister Carlson
P.S. - Ivy, I did get your letter!! Thank you so many, I was so so so happy when I got it!
P.P.S. - Inin, we wear our CTR rings (which are identical) on the same finger! Twinsies!
P.P.P.S. - Mom and Dad, I laugh every time I see your snapchat pictures! Y'all are so dang cute :')
P.P.P.S. - I don't want to you feel excluded, so I love you so so so much, Eme!! <3
Next email ----
I forgot something (what's new)! In the sisters' area, there's someone we've been trying to visit. They have a husky puppy that roped up right outside their door, and it's always there. He is so beautiful too! We knock on the door, but no one answers. The puppy has no place to run (its lead is very short), no water or food, and it's so sad!! We went over last night and filled his empty water bowl and he drunk it down in like a minute. They live relatively close to us, so we ran home and grabbed some food that we had. We made a big batch and brought over a little bowl because we didn't know if he would eat it, but he scarfed it down in like 30 seconds. So we went back home and grabbed the rest and gave it to him. We decided to name him Eskimo because he has a little plastic igloo to sleep in. We went back this morning and gave him some eggs and a blanket to put inside his igloo, but he was so sad when we left. He was crying and crying and it broke my heart! We saw someone open the blind and look out at us, so we know that they're home. We're assuming that they don't want to talk to missionaries though. So, the three of us have decided to keep coming by with food for Eskimo and we'll keep knocking on the door to see if we can talk to them. Hopefully, we'll be able to get into contact with them!
Holding Buffy, the cutest dog in the world (+ the first day of sweater weather - thanks Sister Gainer for letting me borrow your sweater!) |
Eskimo, he looks very upset, but I promise he's even cuter than this :) |
Service for Sister Neiworth :D |
Sister Aquino's farewell photo with us! <3 |
Sister Holland, Sister Gainer, and I today! |