This has been a crazy week because of TRANSFERS! I am now serving in Heyburn, which is super tiny and way out in the country. I'll tell you more after I talk about my last days in Meridian.
We got transfer calls on Tuesday night, and when we read that Sister Ely was staying in Meridian and I was being transferred after just one transfer, we were literally both screaming. The newbie never gets transferred after just six weeks! But I was really excited to come out to Heyburn. Because I was leaving I look a lot of pictures of the Meridian scenery and we took a few pictures together. In some of them, we are doing #FierceSpock . Good times :)
My new companion's name is Sister Aquino. She is from Manila, Philippines, and she is leaving this upcoming transfer (so sad!!). I was told by LITERALLY everyone that I was the luckiest sister in the mission to be companions with Sister Aquino, and that she was the best missionary out here. And they're right! I got here on Thursday, and we have been work work working! She is so completely dedicated to the work, and she works diligently to be effective and exactly obedient. I love her so much and feel so blessed that I have the opportunity to work with her for her last transfer. She leaves in three weeks (because she came out early, in the middle of a transfer), so I am going to work hard to learn everything that I possibly can from her. As Sister Aquino says: "I am so pump up right now!" (And I apologize for not having any pictures with her - I'll be better about taking more pictures with her this week).
Also, here is the first experience I had in Heyburn: We are teaching this boy named Mason. His grandma and mom and members, but they are less active. Mason is at baptizing age, so we are teaching him the lessons. Sister Aquino and I are sitting on the couch that is facing the window, and across from their house is a huge field with the irrigation pipes. Total farm land. As we are going through the lesson, I look out the window and a huge semi truck loaded with hay passes by. It was the most surreal experience - I just kept thinking "wow, this is the polar opposite of Meridian." It was so funny! But I am so glad to be here in Heyburn. The people are so humble and ready to work hard, and Sister Aquino and I have a lot of work to do here!!
That's just about all I have time for! Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. I am praying for every single one of you too!!
Have a wonderful week :)
Sister Carlson
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