I don't have a ton of time, so here we go!
Monday: The eclipse was fun. We had about 96% coverage, so it was really fun. Sister Aquino and I went to a members house and watched with them and some of their kids and grand kids. It was awesome! But when it was covered, it got so cold that we had to get blankets! It was really funny.
Tuesday: Sister Aquino had MLC in Boise, so I spent the day with Hermana Pulido in the Burley area! It was super fun to go around with her and make visits even though I don't speak any Spanish. When we'd first meet someone, I could tell when they were asking Hermana Pulido if I could speak Spanish. It was a fulfilling day!
Wednesday: Really full day. We were out walking, and a mail woman came over and stopped right next to us and talked with us for a bit. Her name was Suie, and she told us "I know this sounds stupid, but I'm divorced and I can't have the Elders over, so will you take these $15 and use them to buy lunch?" She was literally so cute!
Thursday: Weekly planning! Then we have the Heyburn first ward party, which was so fun. A ton of the people we invited came. Our investigators Denise and Destiny really enjoyed themselves, and we ended up playing volleyball at the end of the night. So much fun!
Friday: District meeting and exchanges! I was with Sister Gainer in the Rupert area, and it was awesome to meet the people here. And I love Sister Gainer so much. She's from Ohio, and she came out with my first companion Sister Ely!
Saturday: We exchanged back midday, and Sister Aquino and I tried some part member families in Heyburn. On the second one, we got lost. We literally couldn't find the street. Insane!
Sunday: All of our ward councils were in the morning (so busy!). We stayed for the Heyburn 1st ward block in hopes that our investigator Denise would make it, but she didn't come :( We visited her later that evening and found out that she woke up with a really bad headache. We talked to her about the adversary working really hard on her right before baptism because this is such an important step in her eternal progression.
So that was this week (for the most part)! I love Heyburn and I love love love Sister Aquino! She is very honest, and she's such an effective missionary. I feel so blessed to have her as my companion!
I hope you all have a wonderful week! I'll attach some pictures that I did (not) take!
I love you all with my entire heart! <3
Sister Carlson
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