Wednesday, September 26, 2018

September 24, 2018

This week was a pretty good one! One of the really cool things that happened was that we found a family to teach on Sunday night through tracting! There's the dad, pregnant mama, two little boys and a tiny dog. He was so nice when he answered the door, and they said we could come back a different time (since they were just about to put to kids down to bed). They are so cute and lovely and I am so excited to teach them!! I know the gospel will bless their lives!
Love you all so much! I hope you had a great week this week, and that this upcoming week is even better!
Sister Carlson

PS - Happy birthday Grandma Joanie!!!! 💞🎂🎉

1) This family, the Mackelprangs, have similar dietary issues as Sister Cook, so they asked her what food she missed the most and they made gluten, dairy, and cooked tomato free pizza! (Well, they provided the ingredients and we all made personal pizzas!)
2) Spider deviled eggs we made with our friend Laura :)
3-4) Laura has been getting rid of some of her stuff and she was giving away these shoes...and we happen to wear the same size.... :D I'm always in for sparkly rainbow shoes! And yes, I'm sitting on our washer to you can see them xD I tried to hide that fact in the first picture, but I gave up haha
5-6) We had an appointment with our friend Justice, but she had to step out right before we got there (but she left a cute little note for us) so we entertained ourselves by taking pictures!

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