Wednesday, September 26, 2018

September 17, 2018

1) Kaylee's baptism!! She is the only member in her family right now, and all of us are so excited for the string light and example that she will be to her siblings and her parents.  What a wonderful wonderful experience <3 
2) Inspired by my dear sister Indigo, we did a spooky Walmart trip (we didn't get anything spooky, really - unless you count muddy buddy ingredients in that category!)
3) During our service at Salvation Army (the food bank section), I was cutting open a palette of these Coca-Cola cans and the exacto knife went through the plastic and THROUGH THE CAN which exploded all over Val, the lady that works there (who we love!). It was hysterical, these cans are so stinkin thin! 
4 The Incident (aka the funniest thing that happened this week)...just know that Sister Cook and I were busting up laughing when I got back in the car!!

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