Wednesday, September 26, 2018

September 10, 2018

Good morning family! 
It's really wonderful to hear from all of you, I love to hear your stories and experiences from the week.
Sister Cook and I were slammed with things to do all week, there was no time to pause or rest! I felt a little bit like I was running around with my head chopped off sometimes, but it's okay (my head's securely fastened)! We had a series of wonderful meetings this week - district counsel (the first one of the transfer!), missionary leadership counsel, stake correlation, and the face to face with Elder Cook that was on Sunday! I feel so uplifted from all of these discussions, but I feel like I can't keep it all in my brain! There's so much inspiration that it's falling out my ears! I'm grateful for my journal that helps me catch a lot of that inspiration and revelation :)
I love this area and I love the people we have the opportunity to serve here. There is so much that needs to be done, and I'm grateful for my assignment in this part of the Lord's vineyard. 
Sorry this email is really lame :/ But I love you all so much!!
Have an amazing and blessed week! <3
Sister Carlson

1) Our district! Elder Service (our district leader) gave us all award stickers, mine was #1 STL haha
2) Temple last week! <3
3) My first MLC! (I don't think we quite nailed the "my first day of school" look, but we tried!)

Also, there was a car with a CT license plate yesterday!!

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