What a hard week it's been.
This week, we worked at the Meridian temple open house on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! It was so fun. There were two protesters, one on Thursday and one on Friday. The one on Thursday was an older gentleman that had a sign saying "The highway to hell is the Mormon way!" and he was yelling about hellfire and the wrath of God. Sister Ellsworth and I were walking between the reception tent and the stake center when we saw him, so we waved and he yelled: "Don't you shake your hands at me!" It was really funny, but it was also sad to see someone who was so upset and hateful.
Our area has been pretty dead since we've been working up in Meridian. Our main investigators told us this week that they're moving in two weeks. Sister Ellsworth was sick this weekend. We've both been homesick. So it's been a really hard week. But, through these trials, I've come to understand what's most important. I've thought a lot about my purpose as a missionary, and whose name is over my heart constantly - who do I represent? I am an official representative of Jesus Christ. It's my job to reach out in love for those around me. It's my job to share this message of happiness that we have with everyone. Being a missionary really is the best - it's giving me the opportunity to always be changing and growing, to always be improving. I am thankful for my trials and for the opportunity I have to serve here in Idaho. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father puts his trust in us, his children, to reach out in love to those around us. What a precious opportunity and gift we have been given.
I love you all so much! Have a great week and a happy Halloween 
Sister Carlson